
double florals

That's right. I went there...double florals.

I don't know where this prairie-looking business came from. I stayed up very late last night studying for a final exam. I thought I should plan my outfit ahead of time so I could sleep in this morning. In my fatigue, I convinced myself that DOUBLE FLORAL!!!! DOUBLE FLORAL!!!! AND BLUE SWEATER TIGHTS!!!!!! was a really good idea. I grabbed the belt because it's my most recent acquisition and I ~~~**LOVE IT*~~~`!!!. It has scarabs on it!~`~!1 It's kind of funny that my outfit consists of flowers and bugs...maybe....maybe not..........

The reason I don't look like a straight-up garden or grandma couch is that the scales of the two prints are completely different. If my shirt had big flowers on it, and I wore this outfit, I would look fucking ridiculous.

This holds true for most print-mixing. You can combine just about any two patterns as long as they are on different scales. (I'm sure there are some patterns that would look dumb and some that would go very well together, regardless.) Imagine how busy this outfit would look if my skirt also had a small-scaled print. Right now, though, the empty spaces and large expanses of color on the bottom engage the eye in a pleasing back-and-forth between the clustered, almost pointillistic print up top.

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